
Thursday, February 7, 2013

How's it been going?

I’ve been in a long distance relationship for one month today.

I’d be a big fat liar if I said that it was easy.  Hard. Super challenging would be a better adjective. All the different methods of communication have helped tremendously but it certainly does not, in the least, take the place of your favorite person being right there next to you.

We do  video chat with face time, skype, and tango. All things that I must thank the Apple Corporation for creating applications for on all of their products. It’s too bad if one of the two people has a bad connection, you’re both screwed. Seeing each other face to face does give you that happy feeling though.

We text all day every day. Since he’s in the Navy and everything is super top secret, there are so many places that he cannot take his cell phone for obvious reasons. However, every single chance he gets to go use his phone, he is high tailing it to his phone to text me something even if it is something as small as how much he misses me. It sounds super petty, super corny, but whatever. I like it, and it helps so much at this point. I try to beat him to the punch and have some kind of random text or picture waiting for him as soon as he can check his phone at the next opportunity.  It’s like getting mail at home. Even the littlest thing kind of makes you a little happy on the inside. (Unless it’s a bill, then you’re more like eh, can we please return this to the sender?)

We talk as much as possible when he’s not working and when I’m not working. I get a wakeup call everyday (mostly to make sure that I actually got out of the bed to go to the gym), voicemails at lunch, and calls throughout the evening.

Saying that the two of us are trying our damndest to make this work would be a complete understatement.

Being in the profession that he’s in, he’s clearly been in this long distance “boat” before so he has told me numerous times, if you want out, please, let me know. I know it’s challenging and I’ll understand if you can’t do it anymore. Granted, quitting would be the easy way out. Going after some other random dude would be way easier, however, being with anybody else is not going to make me feel the way that I feel with him. So… long distance relationship it is.

There is always the brighter side though: the countdown on when you get to see them again! At this point, we’re looking at 1 week and 4 days! Friday, February 15, cannot get here soon enough!

If it was you in this situation, with this type of super long distance relationship, how would you be making the most of each moment together, or not together?

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